jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Types of bullying

Bullying is divided into two categories:

1. Live Harassment: is the most common among children. Fighting and physical assault.
2. Indirect harassment: is more common among girls and in general from preadolescence. Claim is characterized by social isolation of the individual. This isolation is accomplished by various techniques including: spread rumors, refusing social contact with the victim, threaten to friends, criticize the person referring to their physical features, social group, dress, religion, race, disability, and so on.

Therefore, peer abuse can occur in very different ways. The most common are:

* Speech such as insults, name-calling, to speak ill of anyone, rumors, ...
* Psychological threats to achieve something of the victim, to exercise power over her.
* Physical aggression fights, beatings, but insignificant little things that put pressure on the individual to be made repeatedly, petty theft, ...
* Social isolation, marginalization, ignoring their presence and not counting on him / her normal activities with friends or classmates.

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